Royalty Reports - Section 23 - Labelwise

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at month platform Label Total Streams Total Royalty User ID Report ID
∑ = ∑ =

Royalty Reports - Section 22

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at month platform product isrc song_title album artist Label total royalty User ID Report ID
∑ = ∑ =

Royalty Reports - Section 21

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at month platform product isrc song_title album artist Label total royalty User ID Report ID
∑ = ∑ =
wpDataTable with provided ID not found! wpDataTable with provided ID not found!

Royalty Reports - Section 20

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at month platform isrc song_name album name artist name Label total royalty (INR) User ID Report ID
∑ = ∑ =

Royalty Reports - Section 19

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at month platform product uri isrc song_name album name track_artist Label total royalty (INR) User ID Report ID
∑ = ∑ =

Royalty Reports - Section 18

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at month platform product isrc elected_isrc song_name album name track_artist Label total royalty (INR) User ID Report ID
∑ = ∑ =

Royalty Reports - Section 17

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at month platform product isrc elected_isrc title artist Label total royality (INR) User ID Report ID
∑ = ∑ =

Royalty Reports - Section 16 - FB

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at month platform product isrc elected_isrc title artist Label total royality (INR) User ID Report ID
∑ = ∑ =

Royalty Reports - Section 15

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at month platform product isrc elected_isrc song album artist Label total views royality User ID Report ID
∑ = ∑ =

Royalty Reports - Section 14

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at month platform product uri isrc song album artist composer_name Label total views royality (INR) User ID Report ID
∑ = ∑ =

Section 13 - Royalty Reports

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at Month Plaform Product uri isrc title artist Label total views royality (INR) User ID Report ID
∑ = ∑ =

Section 12 - Royalty Reports

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at Month Plaform Product uri isrc title artist Label total views royality (INR) User ID Report ID
∑ = ∑ =

Section 11 - Royalty Reports

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at Month Plaform Product uri isrc title artist Label total views royality (INR) User ID Report ID
∑ = ∑ =

Section 10 - Royalty Reports

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at Month Platform product uri isrc song_name album_name artist_name Label total royality User ID Report ID
∑ = ∑ =

Section 9 - Royalty Reports

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at Month Platform Product ISRC Song Artist Label Total Royalty (INR) User ID Report ID
∑ = ∑ =

Section 8 - Royalty Reports

wdt_ID month platform product uri isrc item_artist song_name Label total plays royality (INR) User ID Report ID
∑ = ∑ =

Section 7 - Royalty Reports

wdt_ID months Platform product uri isrc track_artist song_name album name Sub_Label total royality User ID Report ID
∑ = ∑ =

Section 6 - Royalty Reports

wdt_ID month platform PRODUCT uri isrc song_name artist_name Label total royality User ID Report ID
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Section 5 - Royalty Reports

wdt_ID month platform product track_artist album_name song_name isrc Label total royality (INR) User ID Report ID
∑ = ∑ =

Section 4 - Royalty Reports

wdt_ID month Platform product isrc song_name artist_name album_name Label total plays Royality (INR) User ID Report id
∑ = ∑ =

Royalty Reports - Section 3

wdt_ID month Platform country product uri isrc song_name artist_name album_name content type Label total royality User ID Report id
∑ = ∑ =

Royalty Reports - Section 2

wdt_ID Month Platform product song_name album name track_artist isrc Label total royality (INR) User ID Report ID
∑ = ∑ =

Royalty Reports - Section 1

wdt_ID Month Platform Product song_name album_name artist_name isrc label total stream Royalty (INR) user id report id
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