About Wynk Music

Wynk is the music app for every mood! From Rahman to Rihanna, it has over 1.8 million songs across Indian and International music. Stream and download songs by genres, moods, artists or simply tune into one of the many Radio channels and let it surprise you. Plus, it’s all ad free!

Get the latest and greatest hits of Bollywood, Assamese, English, Indipop, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Bhojpuri, Punjabi, Bengali, Malayalam, Gujarati, Marathi & Rajasthani songs.

More reasons to start Wynk-ing :

• Unlimited ad-free Streaming

• Playlists by moods, artists and genres

• Internet Radio for hours of un-interrupted music

• Song and album purchase – Get mp3 on Android phones

• Set caller ring back tone for any song*

• Vernacular UI – Interact with app in English or Hindi

• Use on mobile internet or wi-fi

• Flexible sound quality – HD (320/256kbps) / High(128kbps) / Medium(64kbps) / Regular(32kbps)

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